bella studio

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time to play

i love to try new projects in the studio and i really get into the beauty of organizing or refreshing a space. so many things i’ve been meaning to do but haven’t. well, i guess now is the time! with so much extra time at home, i have no more excuses. and yes, it feels good to have a fresh “canvas” to leave my mark and add my kind of beauty all over the house. big and sometimes very small. watercolor painting, writing letters, organizing studio closets and cabinets and creating regular posts about all of that on this page. living an artful life! that really is what it’s all about! so, i’m challenging myself to keep up with my online journal and documenting daily efforts to live artfully!

watercolor! i resisted getting into all of these beautiful art supplies from a friend because i didn’t want to waste anything and i had no idea where to begin. i finally did it and it just makes me happy. i keep it on my kitchen table and sketch and paint….learning as i go.
